Napoleon seems to be blossoming since being placed in foster care. He is just another sweet little example of the good work being done by all the people of Kentuckiana Pug Rescue. Times are tight and KPR can't help all the dogs they would like to help, but they still fight the good fight.
It would appear as Napoleon had gained at least six ounces to his small frame, maybe eight. It's so hard to read the scales when weigh-ee refuses to sit still.
His is such a different prospective on the world. His bedroom is made by Fisher-Price, a small plastic, barnish looking little case about the size of an old fashioned lunch box. It took him no time to figure out how to open the front door of his barn, so we've had to devise newer and tricky methods of keeping him in for the night.
He's learned quickly how to communicate with us, telling us what he needs, from a good meal to a trip the bathroom. If we stay on our schedule, we make it through the day without a single accident, but we have to be willing to take him outside within 30 minutes of his last meal, and at least every two hours. We are making it through the night, but once we are up, it's wise to waste as little time as possible getting him down the stairs and out the door, just to be safe.
He's probably better able to handle the world than we sometimes give him credit. He seems so small, we're quick to step in and save him from all dangers, real and imaginary. He seems to be content just to lay down by my side as I work online or watch tv, but isn't above a good game of attacking a shoe, and if the shoe is missing, a foot will work just fine. I must say, those little teeth of his are very sharp.

All in all, the little dog is doing very well, better than I could have hoped. Now to find him his forever home.